7 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Superkapasitor dengan Pemodelan Rangkaian R-C Tiga Cabang

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    Perkembangan sistem penyimpanan energi secara masif turut berkontribusi pada pengembangan aplikasi energi baru-terbarukan secara luas. Performa unik superkapasitor yang unggul dalam hal kerapatan energi dan kemampuan charge-discharge secara instan membutuhkan suatu pemodelan yang akurat melalui metode karakterisasi superkapasitor. Pemodelan superkapasitor menjadi rangkaian ekivalen R-C tiga cabang memiliki keunggulan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dan prosesnya yang lebih sederhana. Dengan metode karakterisasi charge-discharge menggunakan arus konstan 8 A, maka parameter internal superkapasitor Maxwell 100 F dan 650 F dapat dimodelkan menjadi komponen penyusun rangkaian R-C tiga cabang yang terdiri atas resistansi dan kapasitansi serial yang terdiri dari tiga pasang dan dirangkai secara paralel. Serta dilakukan pengujian hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) sebagai validasi tingkat akurasi rangkaian pemodelan terhadap profil arus dinamis. Maka berdasarkan dari hasil Tugas Akhir ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa rangkaian R-C tiga cabang memiliki akurasi pemodelan yang tinggi terhadap hasil pengujian superkapasitor sesungguhnya. Selain itu, rangkaian R-C tiga cabang juga memiliki akurasi yang lebih tinggi daripada rangkaian R-C sederhana sebagai rangkaian pembanding baik pada metode pengujian charge-discharge maupun HPPC. Sehingga rangkaian R-C tiga cabang sebagai rangkaian pemodelan superkapasitor memiliki akurasi yang lebih tinggi daripada R-C sederhana. =============================================================================================================================== The massive development of energy storage systems has contributed to the development of renewable energy applications widely. The unique performance of supercapacitors that are superior in terms of energy density and the ability of instant charge-discharge characteristic requires an accurate modeling through the supercapacitor characterization method. Supercapacitor modeling by R-C three-branch model equivalent circuit has the advantage of high accuracy and a simpler process. With the charge-discharge characterization method using a constant current of 8 A, the internal parameters of the Maxwell 100 F and 650 F supercapacitors can be modeled into a R-C three-branch circuit component that consist of three pairs serial resistance and capacitance. As well as hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) testing as a validation of the accuracy of the modeling circuit with dynamic current profiles. Based on the results of this Final Assignment it can be concluded that the R-C three-branch model has high modeling accuracy on the results of the actual supercapacitor testing. In addition, the R-C three-branches model also has a higher accuracy than the R-C standard model as a comparison circuit in both the charge-discharge and HPPC testing methods. So that the RC three-branch model as a series of supercapacitor modeling with higher accuracy than R-C standard model

    Monitoring System of Hydroponic Using Solar Energy

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    This project aims to a solar-powered hydroponic monitoring system. The hydroponic system is a plantation system that uses water as the medium instead of soil. Solar energy is the main source and as a supply the Arduino Uno, a microcontroller to control all the sensors then collecting the data and display the data to users. The sensors that were used were DS18B20 temperature sensor, propylene float water level sensor and pH sensor. This sensor will monitor those elements and help the users in the hydroponics system. An Arduino Ide software used to develop coding for the monitoring system. The value of temperature, water level and pH had been measured and collected to be analyzed. In conclusion, this project is successful as the data collected was satisfied with the objective and the result shows the effectiveness of a solar-powered hydroponic monitoring system. Keywords: Hydroponic, Solar, Arduin

    Smart distribution board overload detector by using microcontroller

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    A statistic by Economic Planning Unit (EPU) on the electricity growth in Malaysia has shown an increment in line with economic growth [1]. In line with government policies, the energy supply industry has been molding itself to cater to the rapid development of the nation in hopes of creating a better and smarter nation [2]. There are many developments and implementation of smart energy consumption to save energy and cater to future energy challenges

    Automated Mixing Process for Solar Powered Fertigation System Using IoT Application

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    The rising population globally, along with the need to maintain sustainable food production, has increased demand for efficient agricultural practices. Fertigation is the combination of fertilization with irrigation, has emerged as an effective method for increasing harvests while using less resources. The problem of traditional method are inefficiency and inaccuracy of manual fertilization methods in agriculture. The traditional methods of fertilization rely on manual application of fertilizers, which can be time- consuming and labor-intensive. Additionally, manual methods can lead to over- or under-fertilization, which can negatively impact plant growth and yield. As a solution, an automated mixing process for fertigation system powered by solar using IoT application was developed to solve the problem. This system can be controlled using a smartphone and all the process from flowing the fertilizer to a mixture tank and watering the plant can be automatically implemented. The nutrient for each type of plant can be established using Blynk application such that the plant could grow properly. This prototype can also help the user monitor the level of fertilizer in the tank in which the user gets a message from the smartphone if the fertilizer level is decreased or low. The data collected is the time taken by the system to mix the setup value of the solution using Electrical Conductivity (EC) sensor. It can be concluded that if the setup EC value in Blynk is large, the time taken to mix the solution increases. Another result is monitoring the fertilizer level of fertilizer in two tanks. In this case, the ultrasonic sensor detects the distance of fertilizer in both tanks and if the level of fertilizer in the tank is low, a notification will appear in Blynk application, stating that the tank level is low. All the output from this system is proven to be successful in this work

    Effect of coating material on the electrical characteristics of porcelain insulator

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    The nature of overhead porcelain insulators that mounted and exposed to environment may prompt the deposition of contamination sources on its surface. The contaminated insulator especially in wet condition may threaten the reliability of power system network. Thus by coating the insulator with coating material, it is believed to reduce the charge distribution [1]. However, the coating materials on insulator string are different in their behavior. Coatings are used to reduce surface discharges, surface leakage current, space charge accumulation as well as flashover occurrence on existing and installed porcelain insulators